
Steak de Escolier

Oilfish is also known as buttermackerel or escolar and comes from Indonesian waters. The fish has a high fat content, which makes it suitable for grilling and smoking.

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Steak d'escolier

Appellation commerciale Steak d'escolier
Nom latin Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
Origine Indonésie
Zone de pêche FAO 57
Spécifications 90% Poids Net
Emballage 1kg sachet en carton de 10kg
Taille 180-220g

A firm steak

Besides Oilfish fillets with and without skin, we also supply it in steaks. The color of this steak is white, the flavor mild and the structure firm. Did you know that all our oilfish are frozen immediately after being caught? This way, none of the quality is lost. The steaks come in a 1kg bag, which is packed in our own premium Blue World brand.

Serve this steak with a home-made tomato sauce!

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Jerrold Giesen

Gestionnaire de comptes internationaux

Jerrold Giesen
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